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Showing posts with label tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tutorial. Show all posts

Monday, October 17, 2022





Telecommuting Mobile apps development has become one of the biggest in mobile technologies today and there are actually hundreds and even thousands of apps available on the android free app marketplace. Therefore, making money with Androids is one of the best things for developers who would like to earn cash using mobile technology. The mobile apps industry is a lively source of income wherein a person can grow and explore as well. There are companies offering free consultation to app marketing enthusiasts, so if you have concerns, you can place your queries without paying anything at all. There are lots of ways to monetize mobile apps. Different techniques to penetrate the android free app marketplace.

1.Think of a platform that you would like to develop. There are lots of mobile app stores that really help mobile developers when it comes to marketing mobile apps that they have made and making money from them. Currently, major mobile companies have their own stores where users can download apps that they need. Apple has their own Apple store and who wouldn’t know about the Android game store for Android OS users? The platform will lead you to the right path and it will tell you the kind of apps that you need to develop to make money.

2.If you are to push your goal of becoming a mobile app developer, you need to register at one of the major mobile app stores available these days. These stores oblige mobile app developers to register and pay for certain fees to be able to access the tools that they need to make an app. The fee is compulsory for marketing and advertising the apps that you will upload in the app store. Like in the Apple store, app developers can access their forums, different instructional videos, testing resources, documents and others that may be helpful to them in developing their apps. Making money with Android is not that hard, but it is not easy though. 

3.There are different programming languages that an app developer should learn to develop a mobile app. Adobe flash lite, Qt, Java, Objective C and others, but if you would like to develop mobile apps for Apple, you also need to learn the proprietary Xcode improvement language. There are websites that can help you learn these languages even if you don’t enroll in a formal school. 

4.Every time you make a mobile app make sure to run a test so you won’t be lost. There are skilled individuals who usually answer questions of novice mobile developers online through forums. You can find one and get the answers to your questions for free. 

5.When you are done with the structure, it’s now time to decide about the price of the mobile apps you have made. 

The prices are between $2-$10 so it’s up to you to whether you would like to allow free downloads for first-time downloaders or just charge a monthly subscription for them or vice versa. But of course, the app store will also take a portion from your income, which is usually around 30%. Once you have submitted the app to the app store that you prefer and the app is also accepted, people will now have access to your work and they can start downloading it as well, which will start the money-making process too. Mobile app development has become one of the biggest in mobile technologies today and there are actually hundreds and even thousands of apps available on the android free app marketplace . Therefore, making money with Androids is one of the best for developers who would like to earn cash using mobile technology.

Monday, September 19, 2022

How To Be A Hacker

How To Be A Hacker

 How To Be A Hacker For Beginners

How to be a hacker

A hacker is a person who likes to learn.

They are also people with excellent intellectual skills.

Anyone can be a hacker, but they are most famous for being computer programmers and cyber thieves.

A hacker is someone who loves to learn and find out.

Hacking stands for hemoglobin-understand, master-programming, and data-entry.

To be a hacker, We must have a high IQ and have an interest in computers or information technology.# Hackers are also known as crackers or creeks.

These terms have negative connotations, but they still use the same phrase for themselves.

How to be a hacker

A hacker is someone who loves to learn; they are also people with excellent intellectual skills.

Anyone can be a hacker, but they are most famous for being computer programmers and cyber thieves.

Cracker is same as Hacker but with 'c' removed; it has a negative connotation over the old term 'cracker-jacks'.#* First, hackers are always learning new things.

They are interested in finding out for themselves rather than hearing it firsthand.

This can be seen from the way they choose a career path.

Most hacker careers require you to post an associate's degree or a Bachelor's degree in computer science or information technology.

Plus, you need to have good writing and math skills to understand programming languages.

A high IQ ensures that you can learn new things and excel in your career.#Anyone can become a hacker if they want to; all it takes is dedication and talent to learn new things.

It is not easy being a hacker because there is so much competition in this field.

However, if We are willing to put the work in advance it can be worth it! Hacking can be fun and rewarding once We understand how to successfully execute Our ideas in the field!#There are many types of hackers.

One type of hacker specializes in security exploits.

This means that they find loopholes in software or hardware and exploit them to their advantage.

Other types of hackers specialize in software development; they write programs for computers or mobile devices.

Some hacker careers require that you have a good knowledge of web articles or programming languages ​​such as Java, C, and Python.

Other skills include math, coding, and network troubleshooting - all of which make us experts in one area of ​​hacking.

#Article Tags

how to become a hacker for beginners

how to become a hacker for beginners on cellphone

how to become a reliable hacker for beginners

Thursday, September 8, 2022

How to Make Your Own Website

How to Make Your Own Website

How to Make Your Own Website Easily

How to Make Your Own Website

A website is a computerized system used to store information on the internet.

The information stored in the database is accessed and viewed by a web browser using HTML code.

Most web pages are accessed through a web browser, but some are also accessed through applications such as Microsoft Word or Excel.

Files are transferred from server to client using HTTP- the code language for the internet.

Creating a website is a great way to share ideas with others and gain knowledge from the public.

Anyone can create a website, as long as they have access to a computer and an internet connection.

Creating a website is an advanced technological skill.

This requires knowledge of HTML, the code language used to create web pages.

Most websites are created using a computer, but a phone or tablet can also be used to create web pages.

This applies to both static and dynamic websites.

A static website is a website that does not require any interaction from its users.

Dynamic websites allow users to add content or interact with content dynamically.

All websites use HTML and programming languages ​​to create an online presence for any organization or business.

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and is the code used to create web pages.

Each web page consists of several HTML files organized into folders on the server.

The HTML file contains instructions for creating a web page, as well as links to other HTML files needed to create the page.

Each link is uniquely coded using tags, which are called anchors.

It is used to create navigation between different parts of a web page.

Other tags found in HTML files include the tag

HTML is generally represented using green text on a white background when displayed in a text editor such as Notepad or Visual Studio Code.

A site can vary in the number of content styles it has.

How to Make Your Own Website

Many static websites have only one content style - a single page with no additional dynamically added pages.

Dynamic sites, on the other hand, allow users to submit content via email, social media or text messages.

This allows website builders to respond instantly. Other site styles include enterprise sites for companies with multiple divisions, departments, and employees; community sites for groups such as schools or companies; and private websites for individuals such as celebrities or writers.**** Creating a website is a great way to share ideas with others and gain knowledge from the public. submissions and add new pages or modify existing pages dynamically.

Anyone can create a website, as long as they have computer access and an internet connection.

HTML is generally used to create static websites with various content styles, whereas PHP is required to create dynamic websites with delivery of user content via SMS or email delivery boxes.

#Article Tags

how to make your own website

how to make your own website for free

how to make your own website from zero to online (full complete)

how to make your own website with coding

how to make your own website on cellphone

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